

写着这帖子的时候, 我好想你... 平时你讲38的我, 不知道做什么突然想看照片, 看了又不知道怎么Tears走出来~ 昨天那经历还深深刻在我脑海中... 现在真的好想你... 在忙着做工吧~ 好心痛... 看你那么累, 又做不到什么~ 还要你陪我... 不好意思~ 宝贝........


昨天, 你整整陪了我12个小时~ 真的非常开心... 在学校的日子难免有些不快了~ 不过不要紧... 最后也没有了^-^ 除了你,再也没有什么解药了... 在Era Box里, 也许是我一辈子都不会忘记得一天~ 也是我在外面第一次最懦弱的时候吧... 真希望可以停在那时刻~ 讲那些话干嘛啦... 毛会起的啦~ Touch死人咩~ 现在那柠檬还在我那儿耶... 饮料是甜甜的, 但里面的柠檬是酸酸的... 而柠檬也让那杯饮料变的更好喝~ 但柠檬本身却没什么人爱吃... 所以, 不管你的好坏我都会一律包容接收! 竟然要爱, 就做得最好~ 开开心心过... 渴望每天都是情人节! 我想你......


A Generous Smile

Wow... 永远记得你那时的微笑~ 漂亮, 大方~ 之前其实蛮伤心... 不理不睬~ 当然, 重要的是最后, 你还是悄悄的走过来拉着我~ 谢谢... 我亲爱的~ 明明我有事变你更大件事... 反过来tam回你~ 那种心情好紧张~ 想抱你的冲动, 可, 我知道我不好抱... 摸摸你的猪头~ 当时讲乖有接近50左右次吧~ 哈哈..



看你的背影慢慢离我而去... 很怕~及使那么渺小的角度~ 我都不放过~ 在后面看着... 也许你不懂吧~ 有时, 多么希望出来迎接我的人是你... 那温暖的笑容, 换我的一个甜蜜~ @.@ 担心你闷过头, 又不懂做什么好~ 唉... 无趣的我~ 胶尽脑汁想东西给你~ 可又想不到... 你讲猪吗~ zzz

Very Sweet Memories

哇sai~ 今天发生好多事耶... 心情是: 害怕, 烦烦烦, 觉得很番薯, 紧张, 着急... 在这样的情况下写这个blog~ 听着东方神起的>傻瓜<~ 好听... 也爽了很多很多~ 傍晚7.30分, 很不开心, 吃饭都顶不顺, 想到就怕怕, 眼都湿了, 不过我还是顶回头了~ 擦掉... 吃饱就去longgai~ 哇... 经过拉丁花园, 茉莉花园, 好多好多爽爽的回忆... balloon家附近的另外个小妹妹... 不过没有出现~ 天气很橙, 好美.. 看了都爽~ 经过我的小妹妹的家, 好希望看到她一眼才去补习~ 可惜没有... 不用紧~ 经过公园, 在那儿拍过的照好多回忆... 顿时边看手机的照片边驾摩多~ 几利害@.@~ 凉风吹过来, 毛都起了, 又有种感动还是什么之类的感觉, 又顶不顺了, 不过又顶回了... 没有事~ 又看到那条水玩飞机... 还记得我们在泥机车隔壁看飞机... 抱着你腰~ 望着蓝蓝的天空~ 好幸福哦... 飞机还比小鸟快叻! 哈哈~ 可是今天一个人看了... 不过我深信我还有机会像以前那样抱着你看天空~ 就这样心情好了很多, 想傻佬笑着骑回家... 补习噜~ 不过, 唉~ 盐啊盐啊... 又找上门了... 我好讨厌吃盐!!!!! 如果可以,不要让我吃好吗??? 不过, 为了证明我对她的信任~ 我想了好多... 看开了~ 嘻嘻~ 我有顶不顺~ 不过已经很顶的了~ 不过还是逃避下, 最后也不是没有事了~ 我只在乎亲爱的小妹妹快乐... 其他的我不管那么多了~ 听你的, 尽量做你喜欢得发老萧的我... 除此之外, 你的笑我也喜欢看~ 不要给我看到你脸臭臭~ 不然sut回你!! 讲我的啊!! @.@~ 亲爱的小妹妹~ 如果可以, 现在真想抱着你!!!


Mature~ Im sorry Im bad... Let you hurt~ Im so sorry... I dint say because of my reputation and I just tell you that~ My meaning is I dont like another people say about malicious comment for you~ I dislike... So, my decision let you hurt, pain... Sorry Dear~ I just wanna you happy now... Another matter i dont manage now~ I was glad... Because of you, my life so SHUANG, TQ my Dear~ Really is a bed of roses~ No lie No cheat... Do you know? Im so touch... You so trust me... Not care of consequence~ Really so touch~... That sceret will be my Forever Momories... FOREVER~ I wont forget it... Now, please believed me that i will more tresure you~ Please trust me that i will more cherish you~ So forture and lucky, a small LOVE, I miss I dote on also is You~ I will expiate that what i do something wrong~ To make you feel more happiness, fortunate~ If TIME can me call off, Stop! At here... That was so nice... Everyone will grow up, too many setback in front of us, so we must Tough and Dare to accept and control it~ Final, I hope my Dear can generous tell me what she was thinking now, please frank... The bad things about me... Or the things that you were dislike, please dont keep in your HEART~ I know that was very torture... Dont make me Annoyed ya@.@~ Happy Always... TQ my best friends...



Few days, a lot of problem occurs between you and me... Im so worry you~ Although you dint tell me all the process, but your Heart Alarmed tell you that you were unhappy, scared, worried... And I ? Just can accompany you, beside you, hug you... Nothing I can do~ Haiz... Well, today, when you tell me that you scare you will be the second of xxx~ You are right, afterwards, we dont know what will be happend... I cant promise anything~ And i scare my promissory that will Hurt you! Fear! Afraid! When i listen that, my Heart get bleed... Am I will be deserted? Hope your crucial temper can be corrected... Please dont give me the feeling that are no well, uncomfortable... I dont like it~ Im fear that you will not choi me, say me vextious...
Happy Always...


My Dear

I promise I will company you... Please don't worry that I will go away ~ Okay?

Dont let me see your Tears and dont drop it... My HEART will not comfortable and pain~

When you see this message can you promise me?